Sheryl walked across the street to the new bar that just opened of called WKOTD. It was opened by a few friends who wanted to make some money. Every night a band would play and tonight the band was King Will and His Dwarfs. "That is a funny name", Sheryl said. It is a funny name, apparently he got it when he was a Junior in high school, but nobody knows for sure. The King and his Dwarfs played some flifferhuzza songs with some flifferhuzza beats. The whole crowd new that this band would be famous one day, but not for the reason they thought. After the show Sheryl went up to talk to King Will, "Hey Will do you want to go grab a bite to eat at Applebee's." asked Sheryl. "Sure", replied King Will. They left the bar(in Sheryl's car because will doesn't even have his permit) and went straight to Applebee's. On the car ride their they were listening to some flifferhuzza songs, "this is so FLIFFERHUZA" screamed Will. During the car ride Will would sing at the top of his lungs to every song. Granted Will had a very flifferhuza voice, it was getting annoying for Sheryl. As they walked in to Applebee's Will was about to say "a party for 2", but nothing came out of his mouth. He sat there speechless, he didn't know what to do, so he did what he has always loved to do...Sing. The problem was when he tried, there was not one sound. So Sheryl drove Will straight to the hospital, after looking at Will the doctor knew that he had the case of the flifferhuzzain, which meant he was having so much fun singing, that he could never sing again. From that point on King Will and His Dwarfs were known as "shoulda, coulda, woulda" band and would forever be forgotten.
whos will